Software Development

General Info

Our software development practice is the founding core of our business. Origo is built on a solid reputation of providing our clients with superior technology solutions and results that have been proven over time to be extensible and of high quality. The software development practice area provides both Origo and our clients’ access to a team of developers and technical people that come to the table with fresh energy and insightful perspectives for solving problems and creating solutions. Our software teams consist of a core unit and an organic pool of global talent that can be drawn from depending on requirements.

Our partnerships with companies such as TAC Worldwide, Princeton Information, Blackstone and TEK Systems provide us with a resource pool of quality on demand talent as needs arise. We are also able to backfill and augment talent for projects in a manner that significantly avoids risks associated with resource scheduling and availability.

Each team member is well versed in the Origo Methodology, CMMI, RUP, Agile and most relevant lifecycle methodologies on the market. We believe in empowering our people with knowledge and skill because they are the most important resources we have.